Monday, 21 July 2014

The Galway Races are coming!

A week from today marks the start of one of the most exciting weeks of the year in Galway- Race Week. For those who don't know, the Galway Races are legendary- full of fun, drink, gambling and the style. You either love the races or hate them, and I personally love them- although the streets do get a bit hectic in the evenings. This year I am making a headpiece for Sinead, and a couple of other friends, and we have really enjoyed the preparation and lead up. Like going to any big event, the build up is nearly more fun than the day itself!
This will be my sixth year attending ladies day. Its a strange day really, where ladies parade around in outfits they would never wear anywhere else. Judges wander around making you feel like you are at a meat market and women openly stare, comment and generally check each other out. I personally, have given up on trying to pick what the judges are looking for in a winner-or even a finalist- and have decided to just have fun this year! I can't wait to share mine and Sinead's outfits with you all next week. For now, here's a look at Ladies day in Galway over those past 5 years...
Top: Me before heading to ladies day in 2009. Above: Winner of the Best Dressed Lady and Best Hat 2009. Lets be honest, the Best Hat lady really should've taken out both titles in her stunning Lina Stein hat.

Top: Myself and friend Colleen Brady at the end of Ladies Day in 2010. I made Colleen's entire outfit for her, as well as my own dress and hat. I still believe Colleen deserved a place in that finalists tent- she was robbed! Centre: The winner of the Best Dressed Lady 2010 wearing a Carol Kennelly hat. Above: Winner of Best Hat 2010.

Left: My outfit for the races 2011- it was a safer outfit than I'm used to, but I felt good on the day. Right: The winner of Best Dressed Lady in a custom-made Lina Stein hat and the winner of Best Hat in a piece by Edel Ramberg. Again, I feel like these two were maybe the wrong way around? Or the best dressed lady could've taken out both titles.
Top: My outfit for Ladies Day in 2012. I decided I wanted a horse-print suit and by gosh I made one. The fabric was hard to source, I managed to get it in Australia and dye it the colour I wanted. I ran out and had to improvise with the coral panels! This is the only pic of the whole outfit I have, as, well, alcohol was involved! Above: The winner of Best Dressed Lady, with the Winner of Best Hat, milliner Aisling Ahern in one of her own designs.
Top: Myself and my friend Niamh at Ladies Day last year. The dress looks longer in picture than it is in reality- its actually only midi-length. I love the colours in it, as well as the flattering neckline. Best part is, I got it in a vintage shop in Paris for €10!! Above: The winner of Best Hat(yes, seriously), The winner of Best Dressed Lady and the winner of the new 'Wear Irish' award 2013.  
As you can see from the winners, you will probably agree that the judges don't seem to have a consistent 'type' that they go for. Who knows what they deem the winner to 'have'. And I guess I will say that I don't always agree with their choices. But my taste would be different to most! I love colour on ladies day- blocked and clashing is my favourite. I also think you should go all out, and dress like you are from the Capitol in 'The Hunger Games'. Like I said, you can't dress like this to go anywhere but the races, so why not go nuts??!! Keeping that in mind, here is a gallery of 'Fashions on the Field' outfits to give you all some inspiration. 'Fashions on the Field' is what we call the 'Best Dressed Lady' comp in Australia. I said in a previous article that I feel Australia does racing fashion best, and I stand by that. The colours, shapes and styles are amazing, and definitely Capital-esque! And if you like these pictures, why not follow me on pinterest for more? Find me at GalwayFashion.

And lastly, look, if all else fails, you can head to Mad Hatters day on the last day of the festival. I decided to go last year, and well, it was the best decision I've ever made! My husband and I got an amazing holiday to Milan out of it as my prize for winning best hat! You really do have to go mad though, so just swallow your pride and think of the amazing prize!!

1 comment:

  1. love all the hats
    so cute

    Hope you may visit my blog,too
    Your Amely Rose from:
